Just a couple pix from the recent book events in Brooklyn and in Washington DC.
First is from the Brooklyn after party that my friends Jenn and Raul generously hosted. Here I am with fellow illustrator buddies James Yang, Sean Qualls, and Catherine Lazure.
The second photo is from the reading at Olsson's books in Washington DC. My son Gabriel is a better showman then I am!
Voila the updates:
The Brooklyn reading went pretty well, and we at least filled up the small space. Some dear friends were in attendance and even a few stragglers off the street, which is always a bit thrilling to me. Afterwards my friends hosted an after party at their Boreum Hill loft. It was very nice... except for a certain parasitic fellow who will remain nameless, who writes a Brooklyn events-emailer and therefore shows up at events basically to talk AT people, spit in their faces, and monopolize them so to prevent them from talking to anyone else they would rather talk to, get a bite or a cocktail, or even use the loo. Someone should plaster posters around Brooklyn with his face "BEWARE OF THIS MAN".
I also had a reading in DC. Gabriel, my 10 year old, decided to spontaneously come up to the dais with me, so this reading felt like we were putting on a variety show. (Sonny and Cher?) Gaby is quite the extrovert and provided excellent comic relief. He read passages (the Henry scenes) from the book with brio, particularly the parts with 4-letter words. (I sorta forgot the text is rated R!) As in Brooklyn, I got one lonely nut-case in attendance who needed to talk and talk and talk. My sweet 12 year old son Raphael took the photos!
Nice picture of you and your illustrator friends. Who IS that cute guy on the left? Kidding... I am so glad he managed to trade a copy of Dizzy for your book. WOW!
Hi Thorina, just came by to check out your blog- very nice! I think I've met that man, the monopolizer-but he lives here in Southern California!! I've actually switched grocery stores and stopped going to certain places because he corners me and refuses to let me leave gracefully without my hearing the longwinded monologue of his boring boring life!!! UGH! POsters are a wonderful idea!
Great blog- I will be back!
Too cool! I love the photos from the different readings; I think I remember reading you're doing one in the Bay Area in the next month or two...am I remembering correctly or am I crazy?
I just popped over from the Chronicle Books website to check out your blog and am a bit disappointed. After reading your post regarding a reader in Brooklyn, I lost interest. Your remark about "A lonely nut case who needed to talk and talk" was unkind to say the least. Maybe that person needed someone who had been through a similar situation and thought you might care. Maybe your book really helped them and they felt a connection to you. (NO, I am not that person and have been happily married for many years-the cover art and title intrigued me.) You sounded pretty ungrateful and insensitive to me. I would think you'd be happy people not only showed up, but were interested enough to take their own precious time and spend it speaking with you. Another comment on this post from LisaMM seems like a kindred spirit who also sounds quite self-important and must lead such a fascinating life she couldn't possibly spare an extra 10 minutes of her life for a fellow human. Needless to say, I will not be reading your book or blog. Have a lovely, exciting day and hopefully no boring people will interfere. Clearly this is my perception after just a small peek into your life and I could be way off the mark. I hope so. Peace.
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